Featured Retailer: Sweat & Soda

Featured Retailer: Sweat & Soda

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Located in the heart of Leslieville in Toronto, Sweat & Soda  serves up a plethora of healthy options, no matter what diet or lifestyle you follow.  From breakfast jars to salads to delicious vegan wraps, all of their food is made from scratch, in-house, and with a lot of love.

In addition to their fabulous coffee and tasty treats, they’ve recently launched an in-house brand of pantry items called The Side Kitchen and you can now buy jars of their EPIC vegan kimchi , lemon preserve and granola to-go. Also for sale are gym accessories, including water bottles, baseball caps and their newest addition, our Marin Hand Towels  (perfect for your workout!).

Sweat & Soda is not your average café, they focus on fostering and supporting healthy lifestyles and community. Located in a neighbourhood  filled with health and fitness professionals,  they’ve created an information hub for all your fitness needs! Whether you’re looking for a new yoga/spin class, a personal trainer, massage therapist or a group to run with, go see them.  They know people, and are happy to help.


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